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  • Surgeon Otolaryngologist Dr. P. Kaiafas
  • Surgeon Otolaryngologist Dr. P. Kaiafas
  • Surgeon Otolaryngologist Dr. P. Kaiafas

Dr. Kaiafas Panagiotis MD
ENT Head and Neck Surgeon

Tel: 210 6179792
Tel: 22290 62280
Mob: 6944523542

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Otology - Neurootology

In this area of ENT expertise, we study disorders that affect hearing and balance and accordingly treat either with medication or with special surgical procedures.

  • Infections such as : external otitis , suppurative otitis media , mastoiditis , viral labyrinthitis .
  • Trauma ( injuries ) such as :  eardrum perforation , temporal bone trauma , fracture or dislocation of middle ear’s ossicular chain .
  • Tumors ( benign or malignant ) such as: external canal osteomas , cholosteatoma , acoustic neuroma , cancer of the middle ear .
  • Diseases that affect the nerve pathway such as: sudden hearing loss , otosclerosis , Meniere’s disease , endolymphatic hydrops , perilymhatic fistula.


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