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  • Surgeon Otolaryngologist Dr. P. Kaiafas
  • Surgeon Otolaryngologist Dr. P. Kaiafas
  • Surgeon Otolaryngologist Dr. P. Kaiafas

Dr. Kaiafas Panagiotis MD
ENT Head and Neck Surgeon

Tel: 210 6179792
Tel: 22290 62280
Mob: 6944523542

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Free and effortless nasal breathing is a basic need for all


Comfortable breathing contributes to the relaxation needed for a deep, restful sleep. It is vital for the well-being of the body during the day. Furthermore it improves endurance and general fitness. The body is refreshed and quality of life is upgraded.

Evaluation must be made of all medical conditions that restrict free breathing through the nose such as deviated nasal septum, enlarged inferior turbinates, nasal polyps, adhesions, adenoids, injuries, allergies and infections.

Using cutting edge technology such as lasers, endoscopes, radiofrequencies and ultrasounds the therapeutic restoration of breathing is efficient, painless, has low cost and does not require hospitalization.

When necessary, aesthetic nasal reconstruction is also performed.

The nasal septum is an anatomical partition that divides the cavity of the nose in two spaces (nostrils) in order to facilitate the air flow. One third is made of cartilage, the other two thirds are formed from bone tissue.

Often due to hereditary reasons or following an injury the nasal septum deviates from the midline. This fact alone is not a disease but at some stage in life can cause considerable difficulty in breathing through the nose.

Nasal airway obstruction beyond the feeling of great discomfort can predispose to sleep disorders such as loud snoring and sleep apnea syndrome.

Nasal turbinates are anatomic bumps of soft tissue that are located on the side walls of the nose opposite the septum. They act as “filters” that clean the passing air from dust and bacteria. They are also involved in heating and humidifying the air preparing it to be easily inhaled.

Voice tone alterations, smell and taste reduction, fatigue, headaches and epistaxis (nosebleeds) often accompany difficult nasal breathing. Restricted airflow through the nose may also contribute to recurrent acute or chronic inflammation of the sinuses.

Sinuses are bone cavities that normally contain air. They are located within the skull around the nose from which they get their air through micro-anatomical resources. The main two are located on either side of the nose ( Higmore’s sinuses) and two others located in the forehead (frontal sinuses).

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